
Private workshops

Discover your personal taste through wine

Personal taste, seems obvious right? But what do we really know about our pallet, and what effects our taste? During the workshop we will understand our senses, emotions, music and all that moves us and mainly - how does all that connect to wine?? the wines will be chosen based on your VIBE and preferences. We will understand the magic behind each bottle and the difference between all of the tasters.

If there are questions know - With the fairies you can ask it all!

סדנת יין עם הפיות
סדנת יין עם הפיות
סדנאות יין

Want the entire Show?
The fairies will take care of it all

Glasses - Sure
Cheese platters - Easy
Private Chef - Woop Woop!
Location - We have a few Gems
Let's Talk

סדנאות יין

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